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交易简报 | 锐敏助力阿斯利康收购亘喜生物




近日,阿斯利康(LSE/STO/Nasdaq: AZN)就亘喜生物科技集团(Nasdaq: GRCL;简称“亘喜生物”)收购事宜与相关方签署终协议。该收购将进一步深化阿斯利康在细胞疗法领域布局。阿斯利康是一家科学至上的全球性生物制药企业,专注于研发、生产及营销处方类药品,重点关注肿瘤、包括心血管肾脏及代谢、呼吸及免疫、疫苗及感染在内的生物制药以及罕见病等领域。亘喜生物是一家面向全球、处于临床阶段的生物制药企业,致力于开发治疗肿瘤及自身免疫性疾病的创新性细胞疗法。

AstraZeneca (LSE/STO/Nasdaq: AZN) has recently entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Gracell Biotechnologies Inc. (Gracell, Nasdaq: GRCL). The proposed acquisition will enrich AstraZeneca’s growing pipeline of cell therapies. AstraZeneca is a global, science-led biopharmaceutical company that focuses on the discovery, development, and commercialisation of prescription medicines in Oncology, Rare Diseases, and BioPharmaceuticals, including Cardiovascular, Renal & Metabolism, and Respiratory & Immunology. Gracell is a global clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to discovering and developing breakthrough cell therapies for the treatment of cancers and autoimmune diseases. 

根据终协议条款,阿斯利康将合并收购亘喜生物的所有稀释后股份(包括所有ADS代表的股份)。阿斯利康将在交易交割时,以普通股(“普通股”)每股现金价格2.00美元(相当于每股ADS10.00美元)完成收购。此外,条款中还附加了一项不可交易的或有价值权益,阿斯利康将在达到特定监管相关里程碑时,支付普通股每股现金价格0.3美元(相当每股ADS 1.5美元)。如果首付款以及潜在的或有价值付款达成的话,合计交易价值约为12亿美元。本次交易预计将于2024年第一季度交割,具体取决于惯常的交割条件、包括监管部门的批准,以及亘喜生物股东的批准。

Under the terms of the definitive agreement, AstraZeneca will acquire all of Gracell’s fully diluted share capital (including shares represented by ADSs) through a merger for a price of $2.00 per ordinary share in cash at closing (equivalent to $10.00 per ADS of Gracell) plus a non-tradable contingent value right of $0.30 per ordinary share (equivalent to $1.50 per ADS of Gracell) in cash payable upon achievement of a specified regulatory milestone. Combined, the upfront and potential contingent value payments represent, if achieved, a transaction value of approximately $1.2bn. The transaction is expected to close in the first quarter of 2024, subject to customary closing conditions, including regulatory clearances, and Gracell shareholder approval. 


RuiMin acted as AstraZeneca’s PRC legal counsel in connection with the acquisition and provided comprehensive PRC legal services. The RuiMin team is led by corporate partners Silvia Gong and Echo Wang. Other team members include senior associate Duncan Deng, associates Tingli Huang, Mengyu Zhu, Minhong Cai, Anna Ren, paralegals Melody Lu and Fangmei Sun.